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Sunday Pickups
Sunday, June 02, 2024, 05:15pm - 06:45pm
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sunday Pickups!

Play in a Sunday social pick-up game! Sign-up as an individual, team, or full sheet (two teams)! All curlers are welcome. Players just need to have completed at least a LTC/lesson and feel comfortable with basic play. As a bonus, Sunday pick-up players have the option of participating in our weekly Trivia broomstacking games!

Games will proceed based on sign-up interest each week. Players shall also indicate what formats they are interested (or not interested) in playing in the signup. Options and rules are as follows:

Register for a pickup spot by the Friday (9PM) before the game that week. 

Please note that pick-up spots are based on the number of sign-ups (we have to have enough to even out the games), and are not guaranteed until confirmed by the pickup drawmaster. Spots are confirmed in order of signup date/time. Questions? Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Pickup prices are $25 per SFBACC member, $30 per non-member. Fees are only paid when games are confirmed.


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